ゲームの出力を行うのはグラフィックスである。広く利用されているのはOpenGLである。その簡易版はGLUTである。また、最近ではSDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)も広く利用されている。このシューティングゲームではGLUTを用いる。
initGL :: IO () initGL = do _ <- getArgsAndInitialize _ <- createWindow "Shooting Game" initialDisplayMode $= [ WithDepthBuffer, DoubleBuffered ] depthFunc $= Just Less clearColor $= Color4 0 0 0 0 light (Light 0) $= Enabled lighting $= Enabled lightModelAmbient $= Color4 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 diffuse (Light 0) $= Color4 1 1 1 1 blend $= Enabled blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha) colorMaterial $= Just (FrontAndBack, AmbientAndDiffuse) reshapeCallback $= Just resizeScene return () resizeScene :: Size -> IO () resizeScene (Size w 0) = resizeScene (Size w 1) -- prevent divide by zero resizeScene s@(Size width height) = do viewport $= (Position 0 0, s) matrixMode $= Projection loadIdentity perspective 45 (w2/h2) 1 1000 matrixMode $= Modelview 0 where w2 = half width h2 = half height half z = realToFrac z / 2
描画はdrawというプログラムで行う。メインのプログラムから登場者状態の識別リスト(型シグネチャではIL ObjOutout、本体ではoos)が渡されるので、このリストより登場者状態のリスト(elemsIL oos)を得る。そこから、(forM_を用いて)個々の搭乗者状態に対して、その種類と位置を得て、描画の関数draw'を実行する。
draw :: IL ObjOutput -> IO () draw oos = do clear [ ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer ] loadIdentity forM_ (elemsIL oos) (\oo -> draw' (ooKind oo) (position' (ooState oo))) flush draw' :: ObjectKind -> Pos -> IO () draw' kind pos | kind == Stone = renderStone $ vector3 (unsafeCoerce (fst pos)) (unsafeCoerce (snd pos)) (-30) | kind == Bird = renderBird $ vector3 (unsafeCoerce (fst pos)) (unsafeCoerce (snd pos)) (-30) | otherwise = error "Unexpected errors occur in graphics because of an undefined kind" where size2 :: GLdouble size2 = (fromInteger $ 6)/2 green = Color4 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.9 :: Color4 GLdouble greenG = Color4 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.0 :: Color4 GLdouble red = Color4 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.0 :: Color4 GLdouble renderShapeAt s p = preservingMatrix $ do translate $ G.Vector3 (0.5 - size2 + vector3X p) (0.5 - size2 + vector3Y p) (0.5 - size2 + vector3Z p) renderObject Solid s renderStone = (color red >>) . (renderShapeAt $ Sphere' 0.5 20 20) renderBird = (color green >>) . (renderShapeAt $ Icosahedron)
最後になるが、これまでのプログラムをmodule Graphicsとしてまとめたものを掲載しておく。
module Graphics where import FRP.Yampa.Vector3 import Unsafe.Coerce import Graphics.UI.GLUT hiding (Level, Vector3 (..), normalize) import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT as G (Vector3 (..)) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Types import IdentityList initGL :: IO () initGL = do _ <- getArgsAndInitialize _ <- createWindow "Shooting Game" initialDisplayMode $= [ WithDepthBuffer, DoubleBuffered ] depthFunc $= Just Less clearColor $= Color4 0 0 0 0 light (Light 0) $= Enabled lighting $= Enabled lightModelAmbient $= Color4 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 diffuse (Light 0) $= Color4 1 1 1 1 blend $= Enabled blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha) colorMaterial $= Just (FrontAndBack, AmbientAndDiffuse) reshapeCallback $= Just resizeScene return () resizeScene :: Size -> IO () resizeScene (Size w 0) = resizeScene (Size w 1) -- prevent divide by zero resizeScene s@(Size width height) = do viewport $= (Position 0 0, s) matrixMode $= Projection loadIdentity perspective 45 (w2/h2) 1 1000 matrixMode $= Modelview 0 where w2 = half width h2 = half height half z = realToFrac z / 2 draw :: IL ObjOutput -> IO () draw oos = do clear [ ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer ] loadIdentity forM_ (elemsIL oos) (\oo -> draw' (ooKind oo) (position' (ooState oo))) flush draw' :: ObjectKind -> Pos -> IO () draw' kind pos | kind == Stone = renderStone $ vector3 (unsafeCoerce (fst pos)) (unsafeCoerce (snd pos)) (-30) | kind == Bird = renderBird $ vector3 (unsafeCoerce (fst pos)) (unsafeCoerce (snd pos)) (-30) | otherwise = error "Unexpected errors occur in graphics because of an undefined kind" where size2 :: GLdouble size2 = (fromInteger $ 6)/2 green = Color4 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.9 :: Color4 GLdouble greenG = Color4 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.0 :: Color4 GLdouble red = Color4 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.0 :: Color4 GLdouble renderShapeAt s p = preservingMatrix $ do translate $ G.Vector3 (0.5 - size2 + vector3X p) (0.5 - size2 + vector3Y p) (0.5 - size2 + vector3Z p) renderObject Solid s renderStone = (color red >>) . (renderShapeAt $ Sphere' 0.5 20 20) renderBird = (color green >>) . (renderShapeAt $ Icosahedron)