stepWire :: Monad m => Wire s e m a b -> s -> Either e a -> m (Either e b, Wire s e m a b)
stepWireから、現在のWire型の値wireから、次の値wire'を得ることができる。但し、次の値は、経過した時間(s)とイベントなどの入力(Either e a)に依存する。また、次の値とともに出力(Either e b)を得る。出力は値があるときはbをそうでないときは抑制値eを出力する。但し、出力と次の値の対は(Either e b, Wire s e m a b)はモナドm型に属している。
loop wire = do dt <- timeDeltaToLastInstant (wt', wire') <- stepWire wire dt () case wt' of Left ex -> printf "Inhibited: %s\n" (show ex) Right x -> printf "Produced: %s\n" (show x) loop wire'
上記のプログラムで、(wt', wire')が出力と次の値の対である。また、アロー記法であることに注意してほしい。このため、(wt', wire')はモナドm型ではない。wt'は型引数eまたはbであり、wire'はWire型である。
loop session wire = do (dt, session') <- stepSession session (wt', wire') <- stepWire wire dt () case wt' of Left ex -> printf "Inhibited: %s\n" (show ex) Right x -> printf "Produced: %s\n" (show x) loop session' wire'
s :: Double s = 0.05 y :: Double y = 0.0 renderPoint :: (Double, Double) -> IO () renderPoint (x, y) = vertex $ Vertex2 (realToFrac x :: GLfloat) (realToFrac y :: GLfloat) generatePoints :: Double -> Double -> Double -> [(Double, Double)] generatePoints x y s = [ (x - s, y - s) , (x + s, y - s) , (x + s, y + s) , (x - s, y + s) ]
runNetwork :: (HasTime t s) => IORef Bool -> Session IO s -> Wire s e IO a Double -> IO () runNetwork closedRef session wire = do pollEvents closed <- readIORef closedRef if closed then return () else do (st , session') <- stepSession session (wt', wire' ) <- stepWire wire st $ Right undefined case wt' of Left _ -> return () Right x -> do clear [ColorBuffer] renderPrimitive Quads $ mapM_ renderPoint $ generatePoints x y s swapBuffers runNetwork closedRef session' wire'
main :: IO () main = do initialize openWindow (Size 640 480) [DisplayRGBBits 8 8 8, DisplayAlphaBits 8, DisplayDepthBits 24] Window closedRef <- newIORef False windowCloseCallback $= do writeIORef closedRef True return True runNetwork closedRef clockSession_ pos closeWindow
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL import Graphics.UI.GLFW import Data.IORef import Prelude hiding ((.)) -- To use (.) in the scope of Categories instead import Control.Wire import FRP.Netwire isKeyDown :: (Enum k, Monoid e) => k -> Wire s e IO a e isKeyDown k = mkGen_ $ \_ -> do input <- getKey k return $ case input of Press -> Right mempty --mempty: モノイドの単位元 Release -> Left mempty speed :: Monoid e => Wire s e IO a Double speed = pure ( 0.0) . isKeyDown (CharKey 'A') . isKeyDown (CharKey 'D') <|> pure (-0.5) . isKeyDown (CharKey 'A') <|> pure ( 0.5) . isKeyDown (CharKey 'D') <|> pure ( 0.0) pos :: HasTime t s => Wire s () IO a Double pos = integral 0 . speed s :: Double s = 0.05 y :: Double y = 0.0 renderPoint :: (Double, Double) -> IO () renderPoint (x, y) = vertex $ Vertex2 (realToFrac x :: GLfloat) (realToFrac y :: GLfloat) generatePoints :: Double -> Double -> Double -> [(Double, Double)] generatePoints x y s = [ (x - s, y - s) , (x + s, y - s) , (x + s, y + s) , (x - s, y + s) ] runNetwork :: (HasTime t s) => IORef Bool -> Session IO s -> Wire s e IO a Double -> IO () runNetwork closedRef session wire = do pollEvents closed <- readIORef closedRef if closed then return () else do (st , session') <- stepSession session (wt', wire' ) <- stepWire wire st $ Right undefined case wt' of Left _ -> return () Right x -> do clear [ColorBuffer] renderPrimitive Quads $ mapM_ renderPoint $ generatePoints x y s swapBuffers runNetwork closedRef session' wire' main :: IO () main = do initialize openWindow (Size 640 480) [DisplayRGBBits 8 8 8, DisplayAlphaBits 8, DisplayDepthBits 24] Window closedRef <- newIORef False windowCloseCallback $= do writeIORef closedRef True return True runNetwork closedRef clockSession_ pos closeWindow